Gospel: Luke 5:17-26
“But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” ~ Luke 5:24
It came to a point in my life wherein I chose to lead my life apart from God. Thinking that I was too good enough to handle myself, I confidently took control of my own life and rejected God’s graces. But human as I am, I am nothing without God. I had made wrong turns in my life by allowing my own weakness to consume me and resorted to making irresponsible decisions. I watched myself slowly falling deep into the bottom of the pit until I became very weak, helpless and paralyzed. Then I found myself very desperate for Jesus; desperate for forgiveness.
It is much like how the people in today’s gospel were so desperate enough to get to Jesus, to the extent of ripping off the rooftop, just to bring their paralyzed friend to receive healing. Because of their great faith, Jesus had forgiven and healed the man and told to get up, take his mat and go home.
I had similarly sought Jesus for spiritual healing, forgiveness and repentance. Jesus accepted me with open arms and gave me another chance. And as I continue my journey in life, with a renewed spirit, I offer my life participating in God’s mission making Jesus as my inspiration.
If we feel that we are so far away from God, let us reach out to Jesus for he is our way to God. He is our stronghold. He is our merciful healer and redeemer who would never deprive us of his forgiveness and compassion. Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God’s great love for us. Let us all keep our faith strong in that belief.
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Unit 3