
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Be the best or give your best (12/29)

Gospel: Luke 2:22-35

The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him. Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” ~ Luke 2:33-35

When I was a child, my parents taught me the value of excellence. They taught me that in everything that I do, I should give my best efforts in it and never settle for anything less. I always brought them joy whenever I get perfect scores in my quizzes and exams, receive awards in various competitions and praises from my teachers. There is nothing more rewarding than to see my parents tell their friends how proud they are with their eldest son.

Years gone by and as I grew up I realized that being the best in everything became harder and tougher to do. During high school I realized that there are a lot more students smarter than me, and this took a toll on me. I became frustrated, angry and bitter until I finally gave up. I gave up trying to be excellent. I started failing my quizzes and exams, started hanging out with school bullies and under achievers and used my talents in a very bad way. It felt good but deep inside I felt empty and disoriented. My parents started to notice this and they didn’t like what I turned into. It made me feel worse knowing that I have let them down.

And so I prayed.

And God answered with a question.

“Did they expect you to be the best or give your best?”

And the answer was clear to me.

Brothers and sisters, the Lord doesn’t require us to be the best for there would always be someone better than us, there would always be someone smarter than us, a better singer than us, and there would always be someone more good looking than us. What the Lord requires from us is our intention in being excellent in what we do, may it be in our work, in serving Him or in loving our brethren. This is what makes our heavenly Father happy, let’s continue to pray for the posture of our hearts and bring joy to Him by always being excellent for the Lord.

Bro Ced
Unit 2


  1. amen !

    I was moved by this reflection as I can relate to your journey. I was afraid not become successful in life. Thanks to SFC Ive learned to focus on the blesser and not just on the blessings.

    Superlike: "What the Lord requires from us is our intention in being excellent in what we do, may it be in our work, in serving Him or in loving our brethren."

    GOD bless u bro!@


  2. tnx con! good to know i have inspired you! have a nice day!:) - cedric
